One of our proudest moments since starting FPIO was the recognition that our small town received for turning the lights back on a the beginning of COVID in March of 2020
There were articles about our small town that went viral all over the USA (Boston, MA; Louisville, KY; Santa Rosa, CA; Mobile, AL; El Paso, TX; Sioux City, IA; Portland, OR; Seattle, WA; Columbus, OH; Milwaukee, WI and more). We also went international with mentions in
Germany and New Delhi, India!

Enjoyable at a distance, holiday lights brighten dark times
Enjoyable at a distance, holiday lights brighten dark times
As a community, we gather and enjoy "flipping the switch" to turn on the Christmas lights in December. It brings happiness and smiles to many of us and brings us together as a community. We are finding ourselves in difficult times. And as a community, we are working together to help each other. FPIO would like to take this opportunity to light up downtown Farmington and bring the joy of the beautiful lights to each of you. “It’s tough for everybody right now. Everyone is on edge,” he said. “We just thought it would be nice to give the folks in town something to smile about.” - FPIO President Lee Warburton. Thursday night, FPIO's Vice President, Jason Desjardin, "flipped the switch" to turn the lights back on. #lightsforlife
The below video was created by Jess Paxton Videography.
Visit her website at:

Through the generosity of local business owners and residents we have been able to continue the tradition of lighting the downtown during the Christmas season.
Over the last few years we have been able to repurpose the burned out bulbs that once hung brightly over our town
by making them into Christmas ornaments.
The limited edition keepsake ornaments are made and available for purchase starting in November.
Through sponsorship and donations, we have been able to brighten downtown year round with our seasonal
winter LED Snowflakes, Candy Canes, Christmas Trees and spring, summer and fall banners.
As well as the American Flags that line Main Street and onto Central Street.